...More Pappy

Forced into an early retirement after losing a day job, he thought fixing up and refurbishing old bicycles from the 70's would be a great "hobby" as he and his wife downsize their career long sign business.

Little did he realize that getting on one of the first bikes he decided to restore and riding it around the neighborhood, he would fall insanely in love with the experience.

More than Two summers later, he's now working part time for Wilderness Voyagers as a "Bike Shak" rental clerk during the summer...

...and an apprentice Bike mechanic for them during the winter months.

Being around and working under the guidance some of the most renown journeymen Bike Mechanics in the area, he has had no choice but to learn how to at least change pedals and attach bells and handlebar grips to most any bike.

It has given him a 3rd career love and passion he just didn't see coming this late in life.

Proving once again that your best years do not have to be behind you in life.

So...if your up at Ohiopyle (spring, summer or fall) stop in and say hello...and if your anywhere near South Union Beach, the rest of the year you Might Just Catch Pappy..."Ridin' Around In The Breeze" on the local streets and roads in an around Uniontown.

...countdown to Golden Beach '23

May 28th thru June 4th

Contact Pappy

...also Known as: "Bernard"
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